
Sing Along

Ricky and Kathy were lovers in high school, then Ricky went away to war

I recently heard from three people (unbeknownst to each other) who told me they really like my song The Way Things Go from my album Lounge Act In Heaven, and could I provide them with the lyrics?

Happily I could. Their interest inspired me to listen to the song for the first time in quite a while. What a neato song!

Here are the lyrics followed by links to the recording of the song should you want to listen as you read the lyrics

The Way Things Go

Ricky and Kathy were lovers in high school

Then Ricky went away to war

Kathy fell in love with a used car salesman

Five kids by 24

Ricky came back from Afghanistan

He didn’t know how to be,

So he wandered down to Hollywood

Landed in a situation comedy

I’m not making this up

Chorus: That’s the way things go

The way things start is never how they finish

I thought you’d like to know

That’s the way things go

Now Ricky played the part of Larry Dorfman

A guy with a checkered past

Larry’s wife Camille a stewardess,

teenagers Lisa and Chaz

And as long as he was Larry Dorfman

Ricky knew how to be

But away from the set of the sit-com

He was all at sea

This is all completely true


Well the show ran for seven seasons

And Ricky became a big star

Mansion in Malibu, New York penthouse

Million-dollar car

Then they made him a super hero

in a billion-dollar flick

He fell madly in love with his co-star Vicky

Otherwise known as Vick

This is all completely true


Now Vicky as it happened was a mystical master

with a bent for Psychology

And she knew from the minute she met him

Ricky didn’t know how to be

But she loved the size and the color of his aura,

loved the way they clicked in the sack

So she made it her life’s work to heal him, yeah

To bring old Ricky back

This is all the truth


Now the irony of Vicky healing Ricky

Was that once Ricky knew how to be

He quit making movies and bought a farm

And started planting trees

He and Vicky had a baby named Venus,

They adopted another three

Tino, Gina, and Esmeralda

And they all learned how to be

from their mom and dad,

some pretty good ways, such as

Be loving and kind to each other,

share what you have to spend,

make love not war, use solar power,

treat the earth as your mother and friend.

Yeah that’s the way to go. Yeah that’s the way to go.

Start things right, you’ll have a good finish,

At least I hope that’s so

But you never know

Links to The Way Things Go on YouTube and Spotify and Pandora.

You can also stream the song on Apple, Amazon, etc.

Happy Holidays!

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