I Steal My Bicycle

Short stories have always been my foremost literary love, both as a reader and a writer. I am terribly ill-read when it comes to short stories of living American writers, though I am ever on the lookout for new short stories to enjoy. I think I find little among the living to like because my literary taste buds are habituated to the works of a few dozen great dead writers—formidable acts to follow.
Two of the three short stories on this CD are First Person narratives that make fine monologues for actors. Many people have suggested I memorize these stories and act them out, as it were. This is not a bad idea. However, the main reason I chose not to pursue an acting career was my resistance to memorizing. I feel more secure and less inhibited having words before me on a page. This may sound cowardly (or possibly lazy) but I think if one is going to get up in front of an audience, one should feel as secure and uninhibited as one can possibly feel.
“I Steal My Bicycle” illustrates, among other things, the experience of gaining through losing.
“The Dreidel In Rudolph’s Manger” is a very funny story about the clash between Judaism and Christianity during the holiday season, and the absurdity of concretizing religious metaphors.