Under the Table Books

Through the Fire. Jazz and folk and blues and stories

throughthefirecover | Under the Table Books

Track 1: Really Really You is a folk love song Marcia makes gorgeous with her cello harmonizing with my guitar and voice.

Track 2: Rico is a groovacious jazz piano/cello duet I composed in memory of my dear friend Rico who died a couple years ago. Rico turned me onto jazz and the poetry of Philip Whalen and Robert Duncan when we were teenagers in the Sixties.

Track Three: Real Good Joe is a slinky piano blues about coffee. If I had a morning radio show, I’d open with this tune.

Track 4: Conception Vessel Seventeen is a beautiful piano-cello duet. In Chinese medicine Conception Vessel 17 is the heart chakra.

Track 5: Max is a jazzy tribute to my friend Max, featuring piano, vocals, percussion, and cello.

Track 6: Through The Fire is a piano/vocal/cello ballad.

Track 7: Bill Evans is an extended solo piano improv of a tune I composed the day pianist Bill Evans died. A brief version of this tune is on my CD 43 Short Piano Improvs.

Track 8: Whoopsie Doopsie is a piano blues with vocals.

Track 9: Something is a piano solo, the piano sounding like a horn section.

Track 10: Of Onyx and Guinea Pigs is a hilarious memoir of a memorable weekend in 1972.

Track 11: Frizzle and Bandit is a humorous short story about dogs and people featuring Healing Weintraub, dog savant.

Available from:


Under the Table Books
Box 366
Mendocino, CA 95460


website by Garth Hagerman