Max wrote: I had a very productive morning working on my book about lizards only to wake and find it was but a dream.
I wrote back: I’ve always liked lizards. I always feel lucky when I see one.
Max thought my response might make a good start for a story. I suggested the lines might also be good lyrics to a song. I’ve been playing around with a catchy chord progression for the last few weeks, hunting for lyrics, so I tried singing I’ve always liked lizards, always feel lucky when I see one to the music, and the words fit the tune nicely, so I got to work writing the rest of the song.
As I was trying out various combinations of words with the chord progression, the sunny day started to turn ominously gray as the air filled with smoke from the big fires inland. I stepped outside and the sun was orange. I went to get my camera and by the time I got back outside the sun was pink. A moment later, our mighty star disappeared behind the clouds and darkness fell at 4:30 in the afternoon.
I found myself quasi-panicking. Should we flee? But to where?
Marcia finished giving an online cello lesson, we shared a couple beers, and I snapped a few pictures in the eerie daytime dusk.
Then I performed my new song for Marcia and she approved. Here is the first verse.
I’ve always liked lizards, feel lucky when I see one.
I like pelicans, too. In fact, I’d like to be one.
I like koala bears, and I like kangaroos.
I like walking on the beach.
And I really really like you.
Now I’ve got enough new songs for my next CD, and when the pandemic subsides and and the air clears and studio time becomes available again, this is what I’m gonna do.